Group Of Constitutional Officers, Commissioners Endorse Current GOP Local Legislative Delegation

  • Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Front, Senator Bo Watson, Rep. Patsy Hazlewood, Senator Todd Gardenhire, Rep. Esther Helton-Haynes, Rep. Greg Vital and Commissioner Ken Smith. Second row, Commissioner Jeff Eversole, District Attorney Coty Wamp, County Mayor Weston Wamp, Commissioner Joe Graham, County Clerk Bill Knowles and Sheriff Austin Garrett. Third row, Commissioner Mike Chauncey, Register Marc Gravitt and Assessor Marty Haynes. Fourth row, Public Defender Steve Smith, Criminal Court Clerk Vince Dean, Juvenile Court Clerk Gary Behler, Circuit Court Clerk Larry Henry and Commissioner Lee Helton. Fifth row, Commissioners Geno Shipley and Chip Baker.
Front, Senator Bo Watson, Rep. Patsy Hazlewood, Senator Todd Gardenhire, Rep. Esther Helton-Haynes, Rep. Greg Vital and Commissioner Ken Smith. Second row, Commissioner Jeff Eversole, District Attorney Coty Wamp, County Mayor Weston Wamp, Commissioner Joe Graham, County Clerk Bill Knowles and Sheriff Austin Garrett. Third row, Commissioner Mike Chauncey, Register Marc Gravitt and Assessor Marty Haynes. Fourth row, Public Defender Steve Smith, Criminal Court Clerk Vince Dean, Juvenile Court Clerk Gary Behler, Circuit Court Clerk Larry Henry and Commissioner Lee Helton. Fifth row, Commissioners Geno Shipley and Chip Baker.

A group of Republican Hamilton County Constitutional officers and commissioners announced their endorsement of the current GOP local legislative delegation members.

Senator Todd Gardenhire is facing opposition in the Republican primary from Ed LeCompte and Rep. Patsy Hazlewood is opposed by Michele Reneau.

Reps. Greg Martin, Greg Vital and Esther Helton-Haynes are not opposed. Senator Bo Watson is not up for election until 2026.

Endorsements to the Republican State Delegation included Mayor Weston Wamp, Sheriff Austin Garrett, District Attorney Coty Wamp, Chairman Jeff Eversole, Circuit Court Clerk Larry Henry, County Clerk Bill Knowles, Criminal Court Clerk Vince Dean, Juvenile Court Clerk Gary Behler, Assessor of Property Marty Haynes, Register Marc Gravitt, Public Defender Steve Smith, Commissioner Chip Baker, Commissioner Lee Helton, Commissioner Ken Smith, Commissioner Mike Chauncey, Commissioner Joe Graham, Commissioner Geno Shipley, and Commissioner Steve Highlander.

“Hamilton County’s legislative delegation is as effective and influential today as it has been at any point in our county’s history,” said County Mayor Wamp. “As county mayor it has been an honor to work alongside Chairman Gardenhire and Chairwoman Hazlewood on priorities ranging from expanding vocational education to increasing accountability for tax dollars. I’m proud to support their re-election, as well as the rest of our Republican legislative delegation.”

Sheriff Garrett stated, “Our Republican State Delegation to the Tennessee General Assembly has always led in support of Public Safety and Law Enforcement. As Sheriff, my key vision for protecting children in Hamilton County was to have a School Resource Deputy in every school. Representative Hazlewood and our delegation led the fight to support this vision, providing funding across the State of Tennessee for all students in every public Tennessee school. We need to keep proven conservative fighters like our Republican Delegation in Nashville. They have my complete and total endorsement.

“With a super majority across the county and in Nashville, there Is no doubt that conservatism is as strong as ever in Hamilton County,” stated District Attorney Wamp. “Your local elected officials are working together to ensure that East Tennessee is the best place to live in America. In Nashville we have a powerhouse delegation. In Hamilton County conservative leadership dominates all of our local offices. Together, we can and will make sure that East Tennessee remains red. With a powerhouse delegation in Nashville and conservative leadership across Hamilton County, southeast Tennessee is thriving. When Republicans band together, we are not only strong, but unstoppable.”

Circuit Court Clerk Larry Henry said, “State Rep. Hazlewood without a doubt is one of our stellar Tennessee State Representatives. Not only does she do an excellent service in State House representing District 27 but also all of Hamilton County. She has not only gained the respect of citizens of Hamilton County, but also the respect of her colleagues in the House of Representatives. Representative Hazlewood was appointed to the prestigious offices as Chairperson of the House Finance Committee. That in itself speaks volumes of her ability to lead and serve. I am honored to give my wholehearted support to Representative Patsy Hazlewood and wish her the best in continued service.”

Juvenile Court Clerk Gary Behler stated, “I recently served as President of the Tennessee State Court Clerk’s Association and as the Association’s Legislative Chair three years prior to that. During that time, I had the opportunity to work closely with all the members of our Hamilton County Legislative Delegation. Each time I reached out to Representative Hazlewood regarding legislative issues, not only was she open for discussion, but she always followed up with clarifying questions to get to the heart of the matter. Patsy’s experience, wisdom, and leadership serves the citizens of Hamilton County well. I strongly support her and our current delegation.

Register Marc Gravitt said, “For four years, I served in the legislature with Representative Patsy Hazlewood and Senator Todd Gardenhire. Now, they both hold very powerful positions in their respected Houses. Representative Hazlewood is Chair of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee. Senator Gardenhire is Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Both were appointed by Republican Speakers, positions you do not get appointed to if you are not a proven, true Republican. Both of these positions bring tremendous, positive impacts helping our county. The kind of assistance that a freshman legislator cannot. I ask that you vote for these great public servants not because of something read on social media, but because I work with them.”

“Seniority, Reputation, and Temperament are key factors in a Legislator’s influence in the Tennessee General Assembly.” said Criminal Court Clerk Dean. “Our current delegation wields more influence than any other delegation in the State Legislature. Never before, to my knowledge, has Hamilton County been represented by Legislators with such influence. Hamilton County now holds the Chairmanship of Finance, Ways, and Means in both the House and the Senate. In addition, they hold the Chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee. To my knowledge, no other county in the state is positioned any better. This is part of the reason we are seeing so much state money coming into Hamilton County. The Speakers in both the Senate and the House have recognized the temperament of the members of our delegation. Each of them is well respected in no small part due to their reputation. They are fair and they are reasonable. Their reputation and temperament have been measured as a result of their seniority. Seniority is something that cannot be faked. If any of our delegation were replaced, that seniority would go with them, along with the extremely valuable chairmanships. I have not always agreed with each individual vote they have cast. However, I learned a long time ago not to be a single-issue voter. I recall several times during my tenure hearing from constituents that claimed they could never vote for me if I voted a particular way on an individual vote. Those constituents had not read those bills and certainly did not know what amendments might be added. I truly believe that our delegation votes on issues and not on emotions. They are led by their conscience and not by their party. That being said, I guarantee that they stick with the majority party on all procedural votes. That would be the Republican Party. The party that each of them had a part in growing a few years back. The party that took the super majority in the Tennessee Legislature, just a few years ago. They had a part in that."

Assessor of Property Marty Haynes said, “Good Government needs serious people representing our citizens. Patsy Hazlewood is Conservative Republican with proven results for her district, our county, and our state. She respects and is concerned about people from all walks of life.”

“Working with our legislators on a daily basis allows me to see firsthand their values.” Said Public Defender Steve Smith. “I believe it is best for all Hamilton County to vote to send our Republican Delegation back to Nashville during this reelection period. Our state delegation, especially Senator Gardenhire and Representative Hazlewood are in my experience reasonable and accessible. Calls to these two are always answered, and if busy returned. I hope you will join me, and these Republican Officers in voting to reelect our state delegation.”

Chairman Eversole said, “We have a group of state legislators who work hard every day on behalf of their districts to ensure their constituents’ voices are heard. I’m excited to their continued work on behalf of us all here in Hamilton County after they are reelected.”

District 1 Commissioner Shipley said, “I’ll be supporting the Republicans in group and in my district. I have two legislators, Representative Greg Martin and Rep. Patsy Hazlewood, and I can’t leave our Senator Bo Watson. We need these people in Nashville.”

“I have worked with our State Delegation for many years through roles in my private life and my professional life as a public servant.” Said District 2 Commissioner Baker. “I am proud of the work our Republican members accomplish. This a group of leaders who believe in strong fiscal stewardship. I am proud to endorse them for reelection.”

“As a County Commissioner, I have seen firsthand the dedication and strength of our Tennessee state Republican Delegation.” Said District 3 Commissioner Smith. “Their commitment to conservative values and effective governance has brought significant benefits to Hamilton County. Working alongside them, we have been able to drive economic growth, enhance public safety, and improve the quality of life for our residents. Their leadership and partnership are invaluable to our community’s success.”

District 7 Commissioner Helton stated, “Patsy Hazlewood is known statewide as a fiscal conservative leader in the State House. She has and continues to serve her district and our county with strength and grace matched by very few of her contemporaries. I’m proud to have her representing Hamilton County in Nashville.”

“I am very proud of the hard work our state delegation puts in and look forward to our ongoing partnership to make Hamilton County a better place to live work and play.” said District 8 Commissioner Mike Chauncey.

District 9 Commissioner Highlander stated, “Representing you in District 9, I have a front row seat to see the strength of our Republican state delegation and am proud to work with them. I am excited to personally vote for my State Representative Greg Vital in August and know our current delegation will continue to serve us well in Nashville.”

District 11 Commissioner Graham said, “As your commissioner from Lookout Valley I have had the opportunity to work with our state delegation for over a decade. Here in Hamilton County, we are home to the strongest delegation in the state. The resources which these men and women are able to bring to our home is irreplaceable. I am proud to endorse Charwoman Hazlewood, Chairman Gardenhire, and our entire state delegation.”

Rep. Martin said, "It is an honor to serve Hamilton County, and specifically the constituents of District 26 as State Representative. I am humbled to receive the endorsement of Hamilton County’s Republican Constitutional Officers today in this great show of unity and leadership. I have worked with these leaders for over a decade during my tenure and can say they are the foundation of not only our county government, but also our local Republican Party. Hamilton County’s Republican Delegation is strong. It is even stronger with the backing of those who have come out today to support the work we do.”

District 27 State Rep. Hazlewood stated, “I am truly humbled by the incredible support shown today. I have proudly worked side-by-side with these elected leaders to advance and defend our conservative values that have made our community and state the best place to live, work, play, and retire.”

“Receiving the endorsement of our Republican County leaders today shows strength and is a sign of how well we work together on behalf of not only our constituents but also Hamilton County as a whole,” said District 30 State Rep. Helton-Haynes. “I would also be remised if I did not also offer my endorsement to Rep. Patsy Hazlewood as well. She is a dedicated public servant and conservative champion. Patsy’s leadership and integrity as chair of the House Finance Committee has helped position our community and state for future success.”

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