Bizarro World is a fictional planet from the imagination of DC Comics. Everything about it is meant to convey inverted types of reality. Three weeks ago Vice President Kamala Harris was telling us Joe was fine, now, poof, we hear Joe isn’t fine and unable to run so Harris suddenly has the money and delegates to be the nominee. Bizarro!
More inverted reality as the political party telling us that gender is fluid or they can’t define what a woman is, wants us to believe how significant it is that “Kamala Harris could be on the cusp of becoming the country’s first female President” (CNN 8/22/24).
If you’re confused, you’re where they want you. Old school politics would call it expediency, the quality of being convenient despite it possibly being improper or even immoral. In street terms it’s called being “conned.” When NBC’s Lester Holt reminded Harris as Border Czar, she hadn’t been to the border, her snarky answer was she hadn’t been to Europe either.
We just emerged from years of being conned by the “Biden is as sharp as a knife” hoax to which Harris was a willful contributor. Turning on a dime, their propaganda machine shifted to being on the cusp of electing the first “woman” President. But we have to ask, how will they know, how will they know if it’s a woman being elected President?
Some need the assistance of a biologist to tell them. It’s really much simpler than that. CNN, that bulwark of blending news and fantasy, tells us when one is on the cusp like Harris we will know what a woman is. So there it is, it’s all about the cusp.
Ralph Miller
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Mr. Ralph Miller uses Bizarro World as an example of how the Democratic Party is addressing President Biden’s decision to not seek re-election.
Bizarro World is fictional. Trumpworld and the MAGA’s cult-like following of a defendant/felon candidate are not fictional.
Mr. Miller stated Bizarro World “is meant to convey inverted types of reality.” Bizarro World is inverted: good is evil, evil is good. But since Bizarro World is fictional, fiction has to make sense, while truth or reality does not have to make sense.
Would the proverbial reasonable man see these examples of Trumpworld and its MAGA inhabitants as (a) only the fiction of Bizarro World or (b) only the reality of Trumpworld or (c) both?
1. Trumpworld campaigns and cheers for a defendant/felon candidate for President.
2. Believing himself to be a citizen above the law, the Trumpworld defendant/felon candidate filed suit for retroactive immunity for alleged crimes of insurrection, subverting election processes and stealing classified documents.
The three SCOTUS Justices the defendant/felon candidate appointed and two already seated Justices, who believed themselves to also be above the law, agreed. They conjured immunity out of thin air, despite there being no need for immunity in for the prior 235 years
3. The Trumpworld defendant/felon candidate is (a.) an adjudged rapist; (b) ordered to close his charitable foundation for misappropriation of funds; and (c) civilly defrauding enrollees in his “university”, and (d) filed for bankruptcy multiple times to escape paying his creditors.
4. In Trumpworld, “the big lie” that the 2020 election was stolen is true.
Yet Trumpworld and the defendant/felon candidate believe the Democrat’s nomination of VP Harris “deprives millions of voters of their votes” and is a crime. It’s not a crime when Trumpworld and the defendant/felon candidate try to deprive some 81 million Democratic voters of their votes.
5. In Trumpworld wearing a fake bandage on your ear is a statement of loyalty.
6. Trumpworld and the defendant/felon candidate campaign by spitting out lies hawked as the absolute truth. They don’t believe the defendant/felon candidate lied during his Presidency. The organizations that kept tracks of his lies are lying.
7. Trumpworld does not believe the defendant/felon candidate is old man lacking mental acuity, regularly offering gibberish and lies as he campaigns. Trumpworld believes he is physically fit because he plays golf and rides in a golf cart while playing and does not cheat despite evidence otherwise.
8. Trumpworld believes nearly every illegal immigrant crossing the Mexican border is here just to commit violence and sell drugs.
9. Trumpworld believes Ukraine to be a corrupt country today because Hunter Biden did business there 15 or so years ago, also making then VP Biden a corrupt President today.
10. Trumpworld and the defendant/felon candidate believe the 2025 Project will be good for the Country.
a. The entire federal bureaucracy will be placed under direct Presidential control - a controversial idea known as "unitary executive theory". Thousands of civil servants will just be fired.
b. They believe among the dismantling the Department of Education, sweeping tax cuts, and halting sales of the abortion pill are good. The Federal deficit will be reduced until eliminated.
c. A President will directly control independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, the Federal Election Commission, and Securities and Exchange Commission.
d. The Federal Reserve will be abolished, allowing a President alone to set interest rates.
Now, back to the proverbial reasonable man. He answers “both” to all the examples. It’s MAGA’s and the defendant/felon candidate who actually live in Bizarro World.
P.S.: Yes, some isolated Democrats live in Bizarro World. But don’t reply if you’re only going to say Democrats, too, live in Bizarro World. That’s like the little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar yelling that an older sibling too a cookie earlier.
Joe Warren
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You guys need to get together for lunch at some local beer joint, have a few cold ones, talk about your grandkids, complain about your wives nagging you, and realize that you have much more in common with each other than with the candidates you support.
The party machines that y'all promote would not care if either or both of you died tomorrow.
Y'all sound ridiculous, and I know ridiculousness; I purposely write things that sound ridiculous to mock overly partisan folks. If it falls to me to be the voice of reason, society is in a heap of trouble.
Kevin Hargis