Half Truths - And Response

  • Monday, August 12, 2024

Joe Biden sat for a CBS interview recently. He was asked, “are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power January, 2025?” Biden answered, “No, not if Trump wins.” Imagine the mind of Joe Biden as he said that with little hesitation.

As the usual suspects on the left scream, “he didn’t say that,” I reply calmly, “yes he did.” I know he paused and then said,” if he loses.” Then, like the half truth I cited, “half truth Joe” repeated the misquoted statement that “he (Trump) said there would be a bloodbath if he loses.” The reporter didn’t correct him because it wouldn’t play into their hoax which they keep repeating.

Trump indicated if he lost, Biden’s plan to convert to all EVs would be devastating to the auto industry with repercussions throughout the economy (NBC 3/16/24). By using “bloodbath,” Trump gave the lefties a half truth to chew on for their “end of democracy” hoax. Those who get their news on NPR, MSNBC and CNN will surely attack me for quoting Biden that way.

It’s different when their side is misquoted or manipulated but keep in mind whose administration is in charge. Whether Trump wins or loses, it’s Biden who is in charge, or we’re told he is and any transfer of power is on the weak shoulders of Joe Biden, that is, half truth Joe Biden.

Ralph Miller

* * *

Once more, after some research, I agree with Mr.  Ralph Miller about the defendant/felon/candidate's statement regarding a bloodbath.  The context was within his statements about the auto industry.

Mr. Miller stated "Whether Trump wins or loses, it’s Biden who is in charge, or we’re told he is and any transfer of power is on the weak shoulders of Joe Biden, that is, half truth Joe Biden."

It will not be President Biden or the Democrats who will prevent a peaceful transfer of power.  Mr. Miller is trying to blame President Biden for a prospective insurrection after Nov. 5.

Mr. Miller is completely missing the point that an insurrection would only occur should the defendant/felon/loser candidate foment his followers to do so again;  there is no reason to believe that will NOT happen again.

The narcissistic ego of the defendant/felon/loser candidate will unequivocally prevent him from believing the truth of a loss to Vice-President Harris a woman, and a woman who "changed to be black."  He has no class or grace and would find losing worthy of violence to assuage his ego.

While Mr. Miller gloated in many of his earlier letters, the defendant/felon/candidate is now the older candidate in the race.  It's obvious that he too suffers from also pronounced cognitive declines (he's slurring, can't remember, going AWOL on his speeches and even more hateful and angry). Just look at or listen to his harangues and see for yourself.

Speaking of half-truths, why doesn't Mr. Miller call out the numerous lies, not half-truths, that are broadcast regularly by the defendant/felon/candidate which are believed and aggressively repeated as full truths by him and all MAGAs?

Joe Warren

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