James Coleman Thompson
Judge Travis McDonough chastised a 72-year-old Lookout Mountain man on Friday as he sentenced him to 20 years in federal prison for child sex crimes that happened some 25 years ago.
He told James Coleman Thompson, "For a moment of self-gratification you were willing to just rip the souls out of these people."
The judge added, "You treated these young men like garbage. Until you accept that I'd be a little more careful about quoting Scripture."
Thompson had made a statement in which he recounted that he had been sexually abused as a child. He gave a Bible verse while telling about making a confession about his sins with young boys to an Episcopalian priest.
Two of the victims gave emotional testimony. One told Thompson, "An eternity in hell is what you should be worried about." He said he and other victims decided they should step up "and protect others from this monster." He added, "It would have been easier to stay silent."
Another victim said he didn't know if there would ever be justice in the case "until the FBI came to get him."
He said the ordeal had caused him much "shame and fear as well as night terrors."
The youth said it had been "horrific to see him out at public functions" going on with his life as though nothing had happened.
There was testimony about Thompson raping one youth while several other boys were on a bed just a few feet away. This was at a motel.
In another case, a boy was taken to a secluded area on a four-wheeler and raped. The boy was about 100 pounds and Thompson 300 pounds, it was stated. A victim said he was in tears while Thompson was performing a sex act on him.
In one case, a boy on a trip with Thompson was awakened to find Thompson rubbing his leg and genital area.
A victim said he had been fearful to tell because of a possible threat to his own father's safety and freedom.
Attorney Lee Davis said some of the punishment for Thompson included his wife divorcing him and his children turning away from him. He said Thompson had accepted responsibility from the first time he was approached by an FBI agent in his driveway. He said Thompson had not put the victims through a trial.
Attorney Davis said Thompson was part of "a tragic cycle" that began with him being abused.
Prosecutor James Brooks said the sentence was meant to be long enough that Thompson would never come out of prison. Attorney Davis said, with credits, he would be in his late 80s when he got out.
Judge McDonough said Thompson did not completely come clean when he was first approached by the FBI. He said, "As far as I can tell, he never sought treatment" other than to talk with the priest.
Thompson said the first time he was molested was when he was about 12 and was at Camp Ocoee on an overnight trip. He said a counselor gave him some orange juice and vodka prior to the act.
He said, "Why I did not scream and holler, I don't know."
Thompson said he was molested by a neighbor when he was around 12-14 and by a business person who took athletes to his home when he was 18 or 19.
Thompson said he had run into the mother of one of the victims at Walmart just before the visit of the federal agent at his Lookout Mountain home. The next day, he said, "The FBI came and got me out of my garden." He has been jailed ever since.
Thompson said those considering crime should consider what it is like in jail. He said he had been threatened and called "Whitey" but not yet assaulted. He said there are no pillows or mattresses in jail. He said he witnessed three overdoses and said "the kid in the next cell hanged himself."
Judge McDonough told Thompson that most of his statement was about himself and not his victims. He said, "Nobody cares that your pillow is too soft and your mattress is too thin."
The judge said Thompson had continued to be a respected member of the community and lead his normal life for over two decades, while the victims suffered from their psychological wounds.
Though the prosecutor said the case "is not about money" and did not ask for a fine, Judge McDonough assessed Thompson the maximum $250,000 fine.