LET IT GO! Women’s Conference 2025: “Inner Healing” Will Be Held Feb. 22

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025
Ingrid Bell Ministries and Stoney Point Baptist Church is partnering to bring a Women’s Conference to women who have lived through complex trauma. This event will take place on Saturday, Feb. 22 beginning at 8:30 a.m. with registration and a light breakfast. This wonderful event will take place at Stoney Point Baptist Church at 9129 Dayton Pike in Soddy-Daisy.

In addition to a light breakfast, the women will receive take aways, lunch and practical tools to assist them with experiencing inner healing.
There will be breakout sessions and an open forum wherein the ladies are able to freely ask questions in a safe environment and receive biblically sound/practical advice from ministry leaders and licensed professionals.

Officials said, "Although this is an affordable event at $40 per person (prior to Jan. 23) and $50 (after Jan. 22), there are single moms who may not be able to afford this much-needed event. With this said, we are soliciting scholarships to have influence in the lives of these women.

"A scholarship of $200 will provide registration for five (5) hurting women and a scholarship of $400 will provide a scholarship for 10 hurting women. Please, make checks payable to: Stoney Point Baptist Church. The mailing address is P.O. Box 640, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37384."

For more information, visit the website at www.stoneypointbc.com or call Ingrid Bell at 772-501-2109.
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