Robin Smith's True Colors - And Response (7)

  • Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last Saturday, June 12, Robin Smith’s true colors came out. At the end of an open Republican meeting in Polk County, where all candidates were invited to speak, a Van Irion supporter rose and announced a meet and greet she was having for Mr. Irion (Republican candidate for the 3rd Congressional District). Ms. Smith had already left the room at this time.

As the Irion supporter was handing out flyers for the event, a Robin Smith supporter took one of the handouts and walked out of the room. Moments later, an enraged Robin Smith stormed back into the room and got within 18 inches of her and started screaming in her face. Did she know that Van was an attorney – didn’t she care? How can you support Van Irion? The Irion supporter said no, she liked what Mr. Irion stands for. Robin then said something about a school board and something about Zach Wamp. During this time, the Robin Smith supporter was also screaming at the Van Irion supporter.

This incident was witnessed by other people in the room. The Van Irion supporter has requested that I forward this and keep her name out of the media as she fears retaliation from Robin Smith and her supporters.

There is absolutely no excuse for Robin Smith’s behavior, and this should disqualify her as a viable candidate for Congress.

This isn’t the first time that Ms. Smith has acted that way. When Chuck Fleischman secured Governor Huckabee’s endorsement, Robin went ballistic with her caustic comments and had her supporters make a public video railing against the governor for not endorsing her.

This is the real Robin Smith – not the put on persona that you will see at a campaign stop or on a commercial. She expects a coronation as an incumbent who deserves the seat because of the work she did for the Republican Party, and God help anyone who stands in her way.

I too have seen the real Robin when she found out I was not supporting her. Robin has shown herself to be vindictive and a typical soft conservative that does not understand the Constitution of the United States. If she did, she would never question again why Van Irion is running in the 3rd district.

This election is important; it has consequences. We can’t afford to make the same mistake we made in 1994 when we sent so called “conservatives” to Washington to make our government smaller. Obviously, they failed miserably at their job. I strongly suggest that we don’t send Mrs. Smith to Washington, and send Van Irion instead.

Gregg Juster
Van Irion for Congress

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I'd agree with a couple of other opinion pieces that have shown up today about Robin Smith's true colors. She's so explosive and so grossly unqualified for the job she's asking us to give her I'm not sure why she even gets the attention she does.

But I have to admit, this whole Van Irion thing looks pretty fishy to me. So the Constitution doesn't outright say that one has to be a district resident to run for Congress--but what about common sense? If it doesn't matter where your representative lives, why even assign them to specific districts?

Why not randomly assign a representative to citizens based on their Social Security number or something? I think the Founders assumed we wouldn't be so stupid as to elect someone who didn't even live in our district. They gave us that much credit.

Sorry, but I just don't buy it. Something's not right with this Irion guy, and it's not just his signs that are littering every back road in the state. Why is he running in the Third District? Why not the district where he lives, if he truly thinks he's right on the issues and that he's the Tea Party candidate? What's the prize in the Third District that makes it so worth fighting this "constitutional" battle?

It's awfully hard to believe he's not some kind of plant.

Robert Goodhue

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Gregg, I’m disappointed. I know you support Mr. Irion, and that’s admirable. But I don’t understand why you level false, misleading, and outrageous charges against Robin Smith.

The episode you describe in Polk County didn’t happen. There was no screaming. It simply didn’t happen. Robin was the only Republican of the eleven seeking the nomination that attended the event. It was a positive and great event for her. Robin’s attendance was her way of demonstrating her fervent desire to represent all the counties that make up the 3rd District. The violent confrontation you describe never occurred.

I was present with Robin when we found out that Mike Huckabee was coming to town for another candidate. She certainly did not “go ballistic” as you state. A group of former Huckabee supporters came together to create a video stating their support for Robin Smith, but, despite your assertion to the contrary, they did not “rail against” the governor.

Your statement is more than a little misleading.

You write that you saw the “real Robin” when she found out that you weren’t supporting her. Gregg, I have been around both you and Robin many times during this campaign, and each time she has treated you with courtesy and respect. I know Robin would have valued your support, but she equally respects your right to support another, and she most certainly has never attacked you for that support. Your implication that she was vindictive toward you simply isn’t supported by facts.

In the last couple of days, a number of opinion letters have come to accusing Robin of being a vitriolic, hateful woman unqualified to represent the 3rd District. This is not the Robin I know. She is not angry or bitter or vindictive. She’s a loving mother of two who’s been married to the same guy for 24 years. She’s a tough, effective leader who gave Republicans control of the State Capitol for the first time since Reconstruction. She’s smart, funny, and warm. She’s a great friend and a tenacious advocate for conservative principles. She’s humble and hard-working. The effort by your camp and others to paint her otherwise is unfair and inaccurate.

Politics is a tough business, and Robin has a thick skin. But we Republicans do ourselves a disservice when we tear each other down.

Gregg, I’m thrilled that you have chosen a candidate. I’m thrilled you’re involved in the process. But let’s remember it was America’s first Tea Partiers who said “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. Let’s not tear each other down. Robin is not the enemy. She’s a staunch conservative who will continue to fight for smaller government. These are the values we share.

Oscar Brock
Lookout Mountain

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I was present last Saturday, June 12, during the Republican meeting in Polk County. We had a great event with local Republican candidates and three state Republican candidates. The Van Irion supporter was explaining the directions to the event she was having to me when Robin Smith walked up to point out some interesting facts about her candidate. There were no screaming or loud voices between the two during the conversation.

Van Irion was not present during the meeting or we could have heard from him on his views. I would like the opportunity to talk to Mr. Van Irion, and so would a number of other Republican’s in Polk County but not to degrade our meetings or events organized by our members.

Today we have many Republicans who say that they are conservative but are more left when it comes to their actions. Robin Smith is a very conservative party candidate for Congress who’s views reflects most if not all of the people attending the meeting at the Copper Basin Community Center.

I am very disappointed that Van Irion was not at the meeting so we could have listened to what he was about and not have the meeting or Robin Smith slandered after all the work that was put into this event.

Robert Yates
Candidate for Sheriff
Polk County, Tn.

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Mr. Goodhue,
Congressional representatives must live in the state they represent. They can’t live “anywhere,” as you suggest. But districts within the state change regularly. Districts can be re-drawn by the states legislatures after every census.

The reason the Constitution doesn’t require Congressional representatives to live within the district is to prevent the state legislatures from re-drawing districts with the specific intent of disqualifying otherwise qualified state residents from serving in Congress. For example our state legislature could have re-drawn the 3rd District nine years ago to exclude Chattanooga. If that had happened it would not have disqualified Zach Wamp from serving as the representative from the 3rd District, nor would it have required him to move.

I do live in the geographical center of the 3rd District, despite the fact that that center is 200 yards outside the district. I’m closer to all of the counties than any other candidate.

Much more importantly, I’ve been fighting for our Constitution my entire adult life. I’ve filed a federal lawsuit challenging the Constitutionality of Obamacare. I’ve been on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show, and on Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch. Just this week I’ve been personally endorsed by two former Regan White House staffers, including a former Regan speech writer. I’ve been endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus, the Tennessee Valley Sportsman’s Association, and the National Fiscal Conservative Pac. I’ve also been endorsed by dozens of Tea Party founders and organizers from across the state and across the nation.

However, I’m quick to point out that individual Tea Party members will decide for themselves whether I’m a “Tea Party candidate” on Aug. 5 and Nov. 2.

If 200 yards is more important to you than saving 200 years of Constitutional Republican government, then please vote for one of my competitors. But if you’d like to help save the country I’d be honored to get your vote.

By the way, I’m glad you like the signs. They’ve been distributed by my army of volunteers. I have a campaign staff that rivals any other candidate, and they’re 100% unpaid volunteers. I don’t suffer the huge monthly payroll that’s required to keep people working on my competitor’s campaigns. Every dime that’s donated to my campaign goes toward advertising.

My volunteers are all helping because my campaign isn’t about me, it’s about saving the Constitution and saving the country. My volunteers understand that, and more importantly, they know that I understand that.

Van Irion
Republican Candidate for Congress, TN03

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Wow. I'm not going to try to argue with Van Irion because he's clearly a few bricks short of a load, but he asked a question so I'll answer it. Maybe he'll learn something.

Does 200 yards really matter? I don't know, Van, let's ask the governor of Arizona. If you'll find the loophole for yourself concerning a border, I know you can't be trusted to fight illegals. You should join the rest of us in the year 2010. Then think about joining us in the Third District.

Rob Goodhue

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In response to the character attacks on Robin Smith that seem to be the norm on, I want to provide a response defending my friend and candidate for Congress, Robin Smith. As I was not at the event Gregg Juster recounts, I feel I am qualified to respond as neither was he.

I read his account of hearsay and attack and spoke with people who were at the event. I'm happy to respond in the knowledge knowing full well I'm answering the dishonest attacks of a desperate politician who is losing a campaign and looking for any advantage, even at the expense of lying to his would-be constituents.

First, Mr. Juster is not qualified to convey the events of the day as Robin Smith was the only Third District Candidate who took the time to actually go to Polk County for their forum. If Mr. Juster is looking for reasons to disqualify candidates, he can start with his candidate not showing up to ask the people of the Third District for their support.

According to the people I spoke to, there was no shouting. There was however a question asked by a Smith supporter of the Irion supporter: "Are you concerned that Mr. Irion is not a resident of the Third District?" The answer to the question of his residency is no. Mr. Irion is a resident of Knox County in the 2nd District.

The Irion supporter indicated she is fine voting for a candidate who does not reside in, send his children to the schools of or pay taxes in any county of the Third District. She apparently is fine voting for a candidate who cannot vote for himself. Robin stated plainly they would agree to disagree and that was the end of the exchange.

Second, Chuck Fleischmann did not "secure" Gov. Huckabee's endorsement, he bought it. If there was anyone who went ballistic over the Huckabee endorsement, it was me. Robin Smith doesn't need the endorsement of a quasi-conservative sellout like Gov. Huckabee who was all too willing to auction his political credibility (or rather lack thereof) to the highest bidder.

Her accomplishments in bringing conservative, Republican-dominated governance to both houses of the state legislature for the first time since the 1800’s speak for themselves. Robin had the courage to stand up and fight for conservatism when it was least popular, and she managed to win that fight even when the Republican Party in every other state lost it.

Gov. Huckabee's former delegates and Team Huck members know this, and that's why we have joined conservative leaders like Reps. Mike Pence, Kevin McCarthy, and Eric Cantor in standing with Robin.

This campaign should be about issues, but as the days until election day grow short, the lies are starting to fill the opinion pages. Mr. Irion should address the issues of his residency, stick to things that matter and stop sending out his surrogates to attack Robin Smith.

Running for office in a district whose people you don't represent, who you don't share a common future with and who you don't visit with in person to seek support all seem to be greater disqualifications for office to me than the made-up fairy tales of losing and angry politicians.

Ted Boyatt

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The record should read that the people who hosted the event did not invite the Crangle for Congress campaign. To my knowledge, that campaign received no phone call, no email, no request for attendance of any kind.

I am certain the Crangle for Congress campaign (and other campaigns as well) would have attended the event because they have attended events all over the district and will continue to do so. He told me that he regrets missing the forum in Polk County and looks forward to meeting with Polk County people again to address their concerns.

As far as putting signs on every back road in the district, I am glad that some candidates care about all constituents. Thank you, Tommy Crangle and Van Irion also. I have put signs on many back roads for the Crangle for Congress campaign. I have done so as a volunteer because I believe Mr. Crangle is the best candidate to represent the values of fellow Tennesseans and he has real world experience.

All people in the district deserve to have a voice, even those on the back roads.

Mike Mahathy

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