Bernie Sanders Is The Big Draw - And Response (4)

  • Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ted Cruz visited Chattanooga on Monday and drew a few hundred people to his event. Twenty-eight thousand attended the Bernie Sanders rally in Portland, Or. on Sunday. No one in the Republican field, not even Trump, has come close to drawing the same kind of crowds as Sanders. I started wondering what the real gut level difference is. 

I could belabor the obvious: Sanders eschews big money donors while the others court them; Republicans are pro-corporations and Sanders pro-people; Republicans rattle sabers while Sanders votes against wars; Republicans would gut environmental regulations, Sanders would strengthen them; Republicans still tout trickle-down economics while Sanders points out that history has disproved the idea; Republicans say no to a Scandinavian-style health care system, Sanders says yes. Big differences, I know, but do they explain the tremendous differences in crowd appeal? 

No, I think it goes deeper. Sanders is reaching the people who believe everyone has the inherent right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and an equal opportunity to achieve the American dream. The rise of the billionaire class is crushing any chance for most people to achieve that dream. Sanders wants to level the playing field and restore opportunity. It’s that simple. 

Geraldine Powell
Signal Mountain 

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I couldn't agree with Geraldine more.  And I would add that people feel Bernie on that "gut level" because he proudly holds out his voting record and he clearly articulates his position.  

Both of those things are sorely lacking from any other candidates. Integrity is Bernie. 

Julie Tolbert Nelson 

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American voters have finally awakened to the realization that their politicians have been bought and paid for by a few wealthy individuals and multi-national corporations. They now see that their "choices" have been only an illusion. 

Bernie Sanders’ surge in the polls suggests a large segment of voters have had enough and are demanding a remedy outside politics as usual. 

Enter Bernie Sanders.  Sanders is not for sale. 

He takes no PAC donations. His campaign is funded by small grassroots supporters, whose average donation is below $40.  When he tells his record-breaking crowds (more than 65,000 just this past weekend) that we need to overturn the Citizens United ruling by SCOTUS, the applause is deafening.  People understand that corporations are not people, and that a constitutional amendment is needed to close that Pandora’s box of election abuse. 

Regardless of political leanings, Americans agree we need to regain control of elections, or we'll never again have a say in our own governance. Our experiment in democracy would be over.  
Bernie Sanders tells the truth, and people who listen with an open mind know he is right on this critical issue. 

Georgiana Kotarski

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As the only major candidate without a super PAC, relying on small donor money, many have said Bernie Sanders does not have a chance. Until very recently, the media has all but ignored him. Thanks to social media and a grassroots effort, Sander’s message is now reaching the masses and it is a platform that should resonate with all but the richest 1 percent. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that corporations and the super rich control politics in Washington. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen and a college education is practically impossible to obtain without going deep into debt. 

Bernie Sanders is the candidate for all Americans. He would make public universities tuition-free and pay for it by taxing Wall Street. He wants to raise the minimum wage so that those working full-time can afford to live, rather than having to rely on government programs for food and housing. Sanders believes employers should have to offer paid sick leave and vacation, as well as paid leave for new parents. He believes in real family values, not in legislating morality. He understands that racial injustice is inherent in our legal system and that it must be addressed. He believes that police forces should reflect the diversity of our communities.  Bernie Sanders realizes that climate change is an imminent threat to our future. In the Senate, he has introduced legislation aimed at improving energy efficiency and sustainability and at reducing reliance on fossil fuels. He has also led opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. 

As more Americans learn more about Bernie, I suspect his poll numbers will continue to climb. There is already one poll showing him with a seven-point lead in New Hampshire. He has a very long and consistent voting record. He does not take any money from corporations and he is not afraid to stand up to Wall Street.

If you want someone with integrity who will vote for what is best for the majority, rather than the 1 percent, Bernie is your candidate. 

Aimee Coleman

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I have a question for Geraldine Powell concerning her opinion on Bernie Sanders. Just how do you suppose Bernie Sanders will level the playing field and restore opportunity? Is it really "that simple"?

It sounds to me like the old redistribution of the wealth program all over again. There are numerous new millionaires made every year in our country who actually took the opportunity to go after whatever made them millionaires.

Some people get lucky, but most millionaires got there by working hard, being smart and in a lot of cases sacrifice.

R.F. Richey

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