Political Double Standards

  • Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Weinstein: allegations of sexual harassment, assault & rape - BAD. Clinton: allegations of sexual harassment, assault & rape- OKAY. Explain please.


This was a rant last October in the TFP. A Democrat responded in a rant that the difference was that Clinton’s were “consensual”. I was floored that anyone would claim that rape by a politician is “consensual”.

That is disgusting whether Democrat or Republican or any other.


Nothing will ever change unless the attitude that sexual harassment, assault and rape are okay as long defined by political bias. And the same goes for perjury (Clinton again). After all the Democrat party position was that “it was only about sex”, so Democrats said it was okay.


If any Trump people commit perjury or other crimes, they should be convicted as anyone. But Bill Clinton was excused based on politics.


Now we are going through continuous issues and "fake-issues" from both Democrats and Republicans. The biggest differences I see as an independent is that Democrats have been given immunity by a swamp creature (Comey) and we find (really already knew) that the leadership and management of the DOJ and FBI had been stacked based on Democrat political bias as previously exposed in the IRS, i.e. Lois Lerner. The same can be said of the State Department and other areas. This is what many refer to as the “Deep State”.


Those people are violating their oaths and responsibility of office, but of course the worse that will ever happen to them is that, like Lerner, they can retire and suck up taxpayer money with the lifetime pensions and health insurance that no one outside of government can match.


The real question is when (or if) the country will go back to the ideals of the Constitution with liberty and justice for all, not based on partisan bigotry. After all, George Washington said permanent political parties will be the death of the republic.


Jim Hill


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