The Invasion - And Response (3)

  • Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Let us make no bones about it; this so-called caravan is nothing more than a foreign invasion on American soil. It must be met with overwhelming force to stop the madness of this offensive swathe. If the United Nations will not enforce its own laws then the full might of our military and all other full time and part time policemen and women including auxiliary volunteers that are willing to stand up to this threat.

All of those on the front lines must be given the weapons they need. Electric cattle fences, cattle prods and noise deterrents like those have been used in the past. Sound enhancement that cause all that proceed into this zone of caution and chaos. To lose control of all natural body functions post – haste.

I do not think it is necessary to describe what this mess would look and be like for all those that dared to proceed. I hope that this would give all of us--- the time we need to come to our senses --- for this will get out of hand very quick. I hope that no one will get physically hurt.

For those lawbreakers who push their old and young alike up to the front in hope of creating sympathetic response - shame, shame on you! It would be the same as a parent telling their child that they can play in traffic if they want to and if those mean ole North American drivers happen to run over some of them, well it clearly is the driver’s fault!

Once again, I hope and pray no one is hurt. All the promoters that encouraged this invasion to include all family members inside the U.S. as co-conspirators in this attempt to invade our sovereign nation. They must be tried as traitors and dealt with as such.

James A. Bolt

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Mr. Bolt, 

I don't understand why all those people are trying to caravan to the U.S.A. My best guess is that the billionaires (Soros, Steyer, Bloomburg ) are financing them to undermine our country and building of the protective wall.  

I think that the wall is a good idea but it would not stop this amount of an invasion without some violence. Violence leads to collateral damage, always has and always will. 

I am clueless on how to handle this invasion, being a non-violent conservative Republican and Christian. But also being a patriot and Second Amendment advocate I will and have defended myself and my country. 

If someone tries to harm me or my family, God help them. The same goes for our country that so many have paid the ultimate sacrifice for and still are today. 

Jack Varner 

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The extreme, right-wing evangelicals that are labeling a migrant caravan as an invasion are feeding in to mass hysteria.  It’s a sad and terrible day when people in this country, who all come from immigrants and asylum seekers at some point in their bloodline, condemn immigration/asylum seekers and threaten to kill them.  Unless you are verifiably 100 percent Native American, then guess what?  You and your entire family are descendants of immigrants. Some came here legally, some just claimed land after getting off the boat, and some probably hopped a fence or two.   

This “invasion” as you are calling it is hardly that.  An invasion requires some kind of war/killing implements, does it not?  Guns, missiles, bombs, vehicles, troops, etc.  All these migrants have are themselves, their children, and bags/backpacks, and suitcases.  What are they to invade with?  Are they going to throw their belongings?  These people, who are fleeing horrific conditions of crime, disease, tyrannical governments, etc. are just wanting to try and garner safety and some shot at a better life. 

How Christian it is of people saying they should be shot or killed seem to forget that God, himself, commanded them not to murder.  True Christians should be embarrassed and terrified by these false Christians that seem to be speaking for them as a whole.  

Also, read up on asylum seekers as it pertains to the law of our great country and remember Lady Liberty’s slogan.  You have to be on U.S. soil to start the asylum process. 

How about we not feed into hysteria and fear?  Just because these people have a different shade of skin color versus some of these super extreme, white-privileged, and superiority complex having right-wingers, it doesn’t mean that they are coming to invade us and kill us or our families.

Richard Smith 

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The caravan [somewhat poor description] of immigrants traveling from Central America to our 
border was lodged into the media until the discovery of mail bombs in the last two days. I totally agree with Mr. Smith regarding the ridiculous idea that these people should be harmed for approaching our border.

I will have to point out that there are three primary definitions of the word "Invasion". The first and most prevalent is "an armed force". However, the second and third contain this phrasing: 

"An unwelcome intrusion into another's domain. Synonyms: Violation, infringement, interruption, encroachment, disruption, breach." 

The United States has laws. The approaching group has already forcibly broken the laws of several borders and have made the statement," Nothing will stop us but God". An interview of one of the group [with a translator] revealed that he had been "deported from the U.S. several times and the thing to do was to keep coming over and over."

The question has been raised several times as to why the group does not seek asylum or immigration into Mexico. I believe the reason is either: 1. They know they do not have a valid reason for gaining asylum, 2. they have criminal records that would send them back to their home country, or 3. they know as soon as they step on American soil they will gain immediate support, and more than likely will be given a court date and released into the United States. Figures shift all the time as to how many actually honor their court date. I've seen everything from 3 percent to 30 percent that show up.

The only way to force them into going through the proper process for entering the United States would be to have barriers that prevent them from stepping onto our soil. There are over 260 legal ports of entry along our southern border but they will not arrive at those ports. As long as "catch  and release" is in place they will seek to avoid known entry points, cross the border and surrender  to border personnel. This gives them a guaranteed pass and they know it. This loophole in our laws is going to continue to bring more and more caravans, individuals, etc.

When illegal immigrants have the opportunity to gain access to the United States, they will continue coming in groups because they know that they are less likely to be raped, they can push their way through border crossings, and they will obtain their "dream" in the United States. They will head for the sanctuary cities and build their own welfare communities there.

The United States cannot allow the unbridled formation of another welfare state. We simply cannot afford to absorb any and all groups of socially dependent individuals and families. In addition, it is a slap in the face of immigrants who are in line to legally attain citizen status. Its also a black mar 
against the homeless population and veterans who suffer from lack of medical care and housing.

Finally, I am sick of hearing about the history of the United States being built on immigrants. That history was a different time, a different society, different immigrants, different laws, etc. The U.S. has never stopped receiving immigrants and reaching out to the world. Unfortunately, we can no longer be the savior of everyone. If we don't resolve our economy and social problems, we will collapse. Believe it or not, there are those in our world who have the destruction of the U.S. as a life goal. They desire globalization and the demise of world leaders with national ideologies.

Ted Ladd

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