City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, October 9, 2020

Here is the City Council agenda for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order by Chairman Henderson.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilman Gilbert).

III. Special Presentation.

IV. Minute Approval.

Order of Business for City Council

V. Ordinances – Final Reading:


a. MR-2020-0087 Trevor Wagoner (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and abandoning the southernmost fifty (50’) feet of an unopened alley along the 1200 block of Highland Drive, as detailed on the attached map, subject to certain conditions.

(District 2) (Recommended for approval by Transportation)

VI. Ordinances – First Reading: PLANNING

a. 2020-0098 Elizabeth Walker (R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 6300 block of Middle Valley Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 3) (Recommended for approval by Planning)
2020-0098 Elizabeth Walker (R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 6300 block of Middle Valley Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone, subject to certain conditions. (Recommended for approval by Staff)
2020-0098 Elizabeth Walker (R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 6300 block of Middle Valley Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone. (Applicant Version)

b. 2020-0108 319 January, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 1738, 1742, and 1744 East Boy Scout Road, from R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 3) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)
2020-0108 319 January, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 1738, 1742, and 1744 East Boy Scout Road, from R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone. (Applicant)

c. 2020-0099 William Dickson and Dickson Family Properties (R-1 Residential Zone to R-5 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 7641 Austin Drive, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-5 Residential Zone. (District 6) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)

d. 2020-0082 Cedar Hill Development Company, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter
th 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 4605 and 4607 14
Avenue and 4606 and 4700 13 Avenue, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-3
Residential Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)
2020-0082 Cedar Hill Development Company, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter
th 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 4605 and 4607 14
th Avenue and 4606 and 4700 13 Avenue, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-3
Residential Zone. (Applicant Version)
e. 2020-0103 ASA Engineering c/o Allen Jones (M-1 Manufacturing Zone to UGC
Urban General Commercial Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code,
Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone part of a property located at th 2600 East 40 Street, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)
f. 2020-0104 ASA Engineering c/o Allen Jones (M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, PartII, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 3715 and 3803 Clio Avenue together with 3714, 3718, and 3800 Rossville Boulevard, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)
2020-0104 ASA Engineering c/o Allen Jones (M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, PartII, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 3715 and 3803 Clio Avenue together with 3714, 3718, and 3800 Rossville Boulevard, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone. (Applicant Version)

g. 2020-0100 Clifton A. McCormick (Lift Conditions). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to lift conditions from Ordinance No. 10566 of previous Case No. 1999-0139 and from Ordinance No. 12134 of previous Case No. 2008-0085 for the property located at 1912 South Willow Street, more particularly described herein, subject to certain conditions. (District 8) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)

VII. Resolutions:


a. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Economic and Community Development to enter into an amended agreement with Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprises (CNE) for the Lead Paint Abatement and Sub-Recipient Agreement.

b. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Economic and Community Development, Codes Division, to renew agreement with Grassbuster Lawn Maintenance for property abatement services for the third year of a three (3) year term, for an amount not to exceed $300,000.00.

c. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Economic and Community Development to enter into an Artwork Donation Agreement with River City Company to accept “City Thread” valued at $80,000.00 and to receive funds contributed towards the public art maintenance fund, in the amount of $6,321.00.


d. A resolution confirming the Mayor’s appointment of Brittany Johnson as City Treasurer.


e. Armin, Inc. d/b/a North Shore Liquor & Wine (Special Exceptions Permit). A resolution approving a Special Exceptions Permit for an existing liquor store, change in address, to 319 Cherokee Boulevard. (District 1)

f. CHARBS LLC/CHA Bottle Shop, LLC (Special Exceptions Permit). A resolution approving a Special Exceptions Permit for an existing liquor store, change in ownership, located at 4409 Rossville Boulevard. (District 7)


Public Works

g. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to award Contract No. E-16-006 to Complete Demolition Services, LLC of Carrolton, GA, Lupton City Mill Site Cleanup and Remediation Project, in the amount of $1,425,400.30, plus a contingency amount of $40,000.00, for an amount not to exceed $1,465,400.30. (District 2)

h. A resolution waiving fees charged by the Land Development Office for peak attenuation control, TSS, and stormwater infiltration requirements for certain non-profit, religious, educational institutions, and non-insured residential properties being redeveloped in any area in Chattanooga due to the Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, tornado damage which will expire on or before December 31, 2021. (Sponsored by Councilpersons Ledford and Coonrod) (Deferred from 10/6/2020)
A resolution waiving building permit fees and/or giving preference to Green Grant Funding for peak attenuation control, TSS, and stormwater infiltration requirements for those properties which were directly damaged and are being significantly redeveloped or rebuilt in the City of Chattanooga due to the Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, tornado damage within the City of Chattanooga which will begin on the adoption of this resolution and expire within the next eighteen (18) months, on or before December 31, 2021. (Alternate Version) (Suggested by OCA-PW-LDO) (Added with permission of Vice-Chairman Smith)

i. A resolution to accept the qualifications for the on-call blanket contracts for Resident Project Representative Services (RPR), Contract No. E-20-011-401, for one (1) year blanket contracts with four (4) additional one (1) year renewable options with (1) ASA Engineering and Consulting, Inc.; (2) Barge Design Solutions; (3) Civic Engineering and Information Technologies, Inc.; (4) CTI Engineering, Inc.; (5) D. Martin & Partners, LLC and Outpost Group, LLC; (6) Franklin Associates Architects, Inc.; (7) Ragan Smith Associates, Inc.; (8) S&ME, Inc.; (9) Southern Environmental Technologies, Inc.; (10) Thompson Engineering; (11) Volkert, Inc.; and (12) Woods Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., in the services categories applied for, for professional services estimated at $1,750,000.00.

j. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Transportation to enter into an agreement with Shift Transit for operation of the bike Chattanooga system on behalf of the City of Chattanooga for a one (1) year renewal at no cost to the City per Resolution No. 29223. (Deferred from 10/6/2020)

k. A resolution in support of the Southern Champion Tray expansion located in Centre South Riverport Industrial Park and advocates for a contract between Hamilton County and the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the construction and completion of the proposed Industrial Access Highway. (District 8)

VIII. Purchases.

IX. Other Business. (Listed items only)

? Armin, Inc. d/b/a North Shore Liquor & Wine - Certificate of Compliance (District 1)

? CHA Bottle Shop, LLC – Certificate of Compliance (District 7)

X. Committee Reports.

XI. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council.

XII. Adjournment.


1. Call to Order by Chairman Henderson.

2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilwoman Berz).

3. Special Presentation.

4. Minute Approval.
Order of Business for City Council

5. Ordinances - Final Reading: PLANNING

a. 2020-0098 Elizabeth Walker (R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 6300 block of Middle Valley Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 3) (Recommended for approval by Planning)
2020-0098 Elizabeth Walker (R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 6300 block of Middle Valley Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone, subject to certain conditions. (Recommended for approval by Staff)
2020-0098 Elizabeth Walker (R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located in the 6300 block of Middle Valley Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to RT-1 Residential Townhouse Zone. (Applicant Version)

b. 2020-0108 319 January, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 1738, 1742, and 1744 East Boy Scout Road, from R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 3) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)
2020-0108 319 January, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 1738, 1742, and 1744 East Boy Scout Road, from R-1 Residential Zone and R-5 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone. (Applicant)

c. 2020-0099 William Dickson and Dickson Family Properties (R-1 Residential Zone to R-5 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 7641 Austin Drive, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-5 Residential Zone. (District 6) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)

d. 2020-0082 Cedar Hill Development Company, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter
th 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 4605 and 4607 14
th Avenue and 4606 and 4700 13 Avenue, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-3
Residential Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff) 2020-0082 Cedar Hill Development Company, LLC (R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter th 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 4605 and 4607 14th Avenue and 4606 and 4700 13 Avenue, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-3Residential Zone. (Applicant Version)

e. 2020-0103 ASA Engineering c/o Allen Jones (M-1 Manufacturing Zone to UGC
Urban General Commercial Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code,
Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone part of a property located at th 2600 East 40 Street, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)
f. 2020-0104 ASA Engineering c/o Allen Jones (M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code,PartII, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 3715 and 3803 Clio Avenue together with 3714, 3718, and 3800 Rossville Boulevard, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff) 2020-0104 ASA Engineering c/o Allen Jones (M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General CommercialZone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone properties located at 3715 and 3803 Clio Avenue together with 3714, 3718, and 3800 Rossville Boulevard, from M-1 Manufacturing Zone, C-2 Convenience Commercial Zone and R-1 Residential Zone to UGC Urban General Commercial Zone. (Applicant Version)

g. 2020-0100 Clifton A. McCormick (Lift Conditions). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to lift conditions from Ordinance No. 10566 of previous Case No. 1999-0139 and from Ordinance No. 12134 of previous Case No. 2008-0085 for the property located at 1912 South Willow Street, more particularly described herein, subject to certain conditions. (District 8) (Recommended for approval by Planning and Staff)

6. Ordinances - First Reading:



a. MR-2020-0097 Judy Toney (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and abandoning the eastern right-of-way in the 1700 block of Green Hills Drive, as detailed on the attached map, subject to certain conditions. (District 3) (Recommended for approval by Transportation)
b. MR-2020-0095 Tim and Monique Lea (Abandonment). An ordinance closing and abandoning the unopened 5400 and 5500 blocks of Kentucky Avenue and the unopened 5500 block of Iowa Avenue, as detailed on the attached map, subject to certain conditions. (District 7) (Recommended for approval by Transportation)

7. Resolutions:


a. 2020-10 Karen & Joonho Lee, Owner and PMI Scenic City c/o Ian Pfieffer – Agent. A resolution considering Short Term Vacation Rental Application No.
th 20-STVR-00109 for property located at 64 East 17 Street. (District 7)

b. A resolution authorizing the Mayor or his designee to enter into a Lease Agreement between the City of Chattanooga and The Tivoli Foundation, Inc., in substantially the form attached, for the Tivoli Theatre and the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Auditorium, including the Robert Kirk Walker Community Theatre, for a term of fifty (50) years, at the annual rent of one dollar ($1.00).

c. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Economic and Community Development to enter into an amended agreement with Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise (CNE) for one (1) year for Loan Portfolio Management services.

d. A resolution authorizing the City Mayor, on behalf of the City of Chattanooga, to execute a deed conveying the City of Chattanooga’s interest to the Industrial Development Board of the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee in certain property identified as (part of) State Tax Map No. 130-001.08 (Lot One) in the amount of 3.23 acres, more or less, within the Enterprise South Industrial Park for the purpose of granting Volkswagen access to their new battery testing facility at or around 4016 Hickory Valley Road.


e. A resolution recognizing the settlement of all claims between the City of Chattanooga, Don Lepard, and Global Green Lighting (“GGL”), as set forth in the settlement agreement signed by former City Attorney Wade Hinton (“former City Attorney”) on June 6, 2018, which provided for the complete resolution of any and all claims of GGL and/or Mr. Lepard against the City and by the City against GGL and/or Mr. Lepard.


Public Works

f. A resolution recognizing and supporting a unified approach to improving land management practices on city-owned land, helping meet goals, and priorities of achieving excellence in environmental stewardship.

g. A resolution authorizing payment to Hamilton County for the annual City Works software maintenance support for the period of November 11, 2020 through November 10, 2021, in the amount of $36,075.00.

h. A resolution to accept the qualifications for the on-call blanket contract(s) for landscape architect design services, Contract No. W-16-011-101 for (1) ASA Engineering & Consulting, Inc.; (2) Barge Design Solutions; (3) Alfred Benesch and Company; (4) CDM Smith, Inc.; (5) Croy Engineering; (6) HDLA; (7) Ragan Smith Associates, Inc.; (8) Ross/Fowler, P.C.; (9) Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.; and (10) WMWA Landscape Architects, for one (1) year blanket contracts with these professional firms, with four (4) additional one (1) year renewable options for professional services estimated at $1,250,000.00 total annually for all ten (10) professional firms for use by all departments.

i. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to award Contract No. W-20-010-201 to PRI of East Tennessee, Inc. of Knoxville, TN and TNT Concrete, LLC of Calhoun, TN, Paving and Concrete Repair or Replacement Blanket Contract for WRD/ISS, for an annual contract amount not to exceed $1.5 million.

j. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to award Contract No. W-20-018-201 to Am-Liner East, Inc. of Berryville, VA, Sanitary Sewer Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining Blanket Contract for WRD, for an annual contract amount not to exceed $2 million.


k. A resolution authorizing the approval of Change Order No. 1 for P&C Construction, Inc. relative to Contract No. D-17-019-101, Patten Parkway Pedestrian Plaza, for an increased amount of $608,681.81, for a revised contract amount of $4,522,370.21, with a contingency of $100,000.00, for a total amount of $4,622,370.21. (District 8)

8. Purchases.

9. Other Business.

10. Committee Reports.

11. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council.

12. Adjournment.

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