The State Review Board will meet on Wednesday, May 22 to examine Tennessee's proposed nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. Beginning at 9 a.m. (CDT), the meeting will be held at the Tennessee Historical Commission, 2941 Lebanon Road in Nashville, as well as virtually. Meeting information will be available on the THC State Review Board
The Board will vote on four nominations from across the state.
Those nominations that are found to meet the criteria will be sent for final approval to the National Register of Historic Places at the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The nominations are:
• The Civil Rights Movement in Nashville (1942-1969) Multiple Property Documentation Form, Davidson County;
• Clark Memorial Methodist Church Complex, Davidson County;
• First Community Church, Davidson County; and
• Haywood County Farm, Haywood County.
The State Review Board is composed of 12 people with backgrounds in American history, architecture, archaeology, or related fields. It also includes members representing the public. The National Register program was authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
The Tennessee Historical Commission administers the program in Tennessee.
The public is invited to attend the meeting. For additional information, contact Rebecca Schmitt with the Tennessee Historical Commission at 615-770-1086, or at For more information about the Tennessee Historical Commission, visit their