State Department Of Education Releases 2023-24 State-, District-, And School-Level TCAP Results

  • Monday, June 24, 2024

The Tennessee Department of Education released the 2023-24 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) state-, district-, and school-level results, which include both fall 2023 end-of-course (EOC) exams and spring 2024 exams in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies, with the exception of math EOC data, which will be available later in the fall pending the standards setting process.

Full 2024 TCAP assessment data is available on the department’s Data Downloads webpage and a state-level overview is available here. The data files can be found in the State Assessments section under the Assessment Files tab.

Together, district and school leaders, educators, families, and elected officials have made tremendous efforts to support students in recovering from pandemic-related learning loss and accelerating learning. The 2023-24 TCAP results demonstratestudent performance remains steady or shows growth and improvement across tested grades and subjects.

"Tennessee's strategic education investments have resulted in steady growth for students across the state," said Governor Bill Lee."As we continue our work to ensure that all Tennessee students are learning on grade level, we remain committed to supporting teachers and empowering families with multiple pathways to achievement so every student can thrive in their academic journey."

2023-24 Spring TCAP State-Level Overview:

  • English Language Arts (ELA): Overall, 39% of all students are meeting grade level expectations, with proficiency gains in most tested grades, and elementary and high schools continuing to out-perform pre-pandemic levels.
  • Math: In grades 3-8, 40% of students are meeting grade level expectations in math, with a nearly three percentage point gain for 5th and 7th graders.
  • Science: Overall, proficiency rates held steady for science, with an increase of one percentage point in overall student proficiency.
  • Social Studies: Results show a one percentage point gain for all students tested in social studies, showing continued improvements over the last three years.

“Our annual TCAP assessment provides valuable data to inform strategic decision-making to best support Tennessee students,” said Lizzette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education. “Through the dedication of our teachers, schools, and districts, we are pleased that student performance continues to build on a strong foundation, improving outcomes for future success.”

In July, individual student data will be availablein the TCAP Family Portal. Families can use the portal to obtain additional information to better understand their students' individual score reports and next steps for supporting their students' academic progress.

The State Report Card will be updated with this data later in July. For more information on the state’s assessments, click here.

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