Cleveland State Community College Workforce Development department introduces an online Medical Coding and Billing program. The 28-week program provides two industry certifications and the opportunity to earn credit in the Medical Office degree program at the college.
The self-paced online program prepares students for a career in medical coding and insurance reimbursement working in medical clinics and physician offices. The Medical Coder and Billing Certification (MCBC) exam by the American Medical Certification Association (AMCA) is included in the program along with the option to take the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) or Certified Coding Specialist – Physicians (CCS-P) exam.
As an approved education program on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), eligible students can receive Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) federal funding assistance.
Six students have already started the program with this funding through their local American Job Center.
Medical Coding and Billing students have the opportunity to continue their education in a degree program at the college. After successfully completing the short-term Workforce program, students can receive course substitutions for four classes in the Medical Office, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree program at the college. The four classes are Work Based Learning, Medical Terminology, ICD-PCS Coding and CPT Coding for a total of 12 credit hours.
“We are so excited to create this crosswalk with Workforce Development and provide an opportunity for earning credit towards Cleveland State degree programs,” said Sandra Godsey, dean of Business and Health Careers.
When starting the Medical Office degree program, students may be eligible for the Tennessee Reconnect or other scholarships at Cleveland State. TN Reconnect is a last dollar scholarship that covers most of the tuition and fees for adults who are 23 years and older who have not already completed an associate or bachelor’s degree.
“Workforce Development is proud to offer this online program,” said Chelsea Falana, workforce specialist. “This is an amazing opportunity for students to train for a new career in healthcare and stack credentials for college credit.”
For more information about the Medical Coding and Billing online program, contact Ms. Falana at 423-614-8742 or