Hamilton County Schools Closed Monday; UTC Reopens

  • Sunday, January 12, 2025

Due to hazardous road conditions that affect many school bus routes throughout the county, Hamilton County Schools will be closed on Monday.

The following SACC Inclement Weather Child Care Sites will be open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.: Battle Academy, East Brainerd Elementary, East Ridge Elementary, Harrison Elementary, Middle Valley Elementary, and Red Bank Elementary. Students attending will need to bring a lunch and drink.

A decision on scheduled after-school activities will be made by noon on Monday.

UTC resumed normal operations on Sunday. UTC will be open and operating on its normal schedule for Monday.

Students, employees, and affiliates are encouraged to be mindful of their personal safety, whether walking or driving. Take it slow, as some areas may continue to be icy or may refreeze overnight.

  • Students who are unable to return to campus safely due to local conditions should inform their faculty members as soon as possible and seek reasonable accommodations. Students will be expected to complete all work within the expectations set by the individual faculty member.
  • Employees who are unable to return to campus safely due to local conditions should work with their Department Head.

Rhea County schools will be closed Monday according to County Executive Jim Vincent all county government offices will be open during normal business hours. Mr. Vincent complimented newly-elected road commissioner Rick Wilkey for his work on the county roads. Mr. Vincent said that even with problems of maintenance to the vehicles to keep them running Mr. Wilkey was able to get the major county roads passable and is working on side roads.

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