Times Free Press Has No Journalistic Standards - And Response (8)

  • Saturday, March 22, 2014

The newspaper has hit a new low. From what I understand, the people who attended last week's crime intervention were private citizens who were ordered to attend the meeting because of their probation. That reporters would sneak up to them on private property and interview them is just like the paparazzi.

That the editors would have the lack of decency to print their names is criminal. You can rest assured I will be canceling my subscription to the paper immediately. What am I saying - I cancelled that subscription months ago.

Samantha White

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The city is obligated to conduct their business in a transparent manner. In other words, there are no secrets between city government and we the people, and that includes the media.  Any citizens could have filed open records and readily obtained all the information the city is complaining about.

It is comical that the city of Chattanooga thinks that they can conduct their business in the dark.  The Times Free Press had no obligation to waive their Freedom of Speech rights, because the city said so. Funny stuff.  

Times Free Press, be very very quiet because the Mayor said so.

April Eidson

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The issue isn't about being stifling the mainstream media. The paper reported on the event. I remember reading about it in their paper the next morning. So the issue is more about printing the actual names of individuals that are now in danger because of the newspapers decision. It's just common sense. 

The story wasn't better because they added them names so I don't know why they even did it. But at least, they could have just called them by their first name and leave off the last, so as not to identify them. And yes, someone could do an records request and get that information but there's a big difference. Me having a name is much different than the newspaper printing a name in black and white. 

They should know better and I hope those people at the paper can sleep tonight because if I were them, I certainly wouldn't be able to.

Martin Knowles

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Chattanooga area Residents:

It's time to express our displeasure with the Times Free Press (TFP) given their unethical and dangerous actions regarding the Crime Fighting Call-in.  The Chattanooga Police negotiated trust among members of violent gang members with a plan to make our city safer.  The TFP put all of that at risk for the sake of a story.

And they will do it again.  Their business is upside/down financially, and they will do anything to grab readers.  It's time to ask them to stop, and the only thing they will listen to is money.  Please stop subscribing or buying the TFP.  They are bad for our community.  They can't be trusted.  It's a failing business that is grasping for straws, and you may be the next person they injure.

Rob Smith

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This is my take on this "issue". Never try to kid a kidder. Mayor Berke's "outrage" is laughable but also calculated. By the headline and taken at first blush it does appear that the TFP acted irresponsibly. But let's peal back that onion and see what is really Mr. Berke's motivation.

He decries the fact that the TFP was "out in the parking lot" getting interviews with folks leaving the meeting. He also states he asked the TFP to steer clear of the meeting. Odd since a TFP reporter was at the meeting. As for the names being published, if the folks interviewed were concerned about their names being published, why did they give their names to the reporters. Odd again.

I feel the real truth is Mr. Berke's so called "Call-in" meeting didn't get enough press up front, so he creates a crisis on the back end to show just what a truly great guy he is and his concern for individuals in this city. Two of the greatest con artists of this young century ( President Obama and his side kick, Rahm Emanuel) coined the phrase, "Never let a crisis go to waste." Mayor Berke has created the crisis and now he is milking it.

Scott Harrington


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  All we have heard is the "Community" needs to come together in order to combat our streets wars. It's sad and amazing that a business in the "Community" has become a "Judas".

        On day one. The Times has just put a stop to anyone else wanting to join in the battle for fear of being ratted out by our community newspaper. 

        No, they didn't break any laws but when you're in a war, you really don't need to be sending the enemy the names of our spies.

        I suggest the ones giving the green light to the story individually rent a room in the areas of the war zones. Then have them be named as someone aiding law enforcement in combating gangs. Sounds criminal doesn't it? 

        Maybe next week you can get the names and pics of seal team 6.       

       Sleep well, Judas

Michael Burns

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Michael and the rest bashing TFP, to be honest and speak my mind (which you all know I'm more than willing to always do), my greatest concern is the unscrupulous cops who remain on the force having access to these individuals' names. You know the type? The ones known to have gone into areas, spreading false rumors; dividing communities and pitting neighbor against neighbor. I know this to be fact because it's one of their many ways to retaliate, I've personally been on the receiving end of such unprofessional behavior. 

Also, Michael, you just revealed what the meeting was all about, "Judas". Nowhere did the mayor nor even TFP say or suggest anything about this was a meeting to recruit "spies." hmmmmm.................

The mayor and Professor Kennedy for sure have good intentions and in theory it has the potential for success, but maybe what they don't realize is they may have too much of the wrong unscrupulous types on board with the power and authority to throw a wrench into their efforts at any given time to cause everything to collapse in a heartbeat. You know I'm right.

Brenda Manghane-Washington

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Brenda, you are more interested in bashing police officers and the very ones who are honestly trying to make a difference in this situation than putting the blame on the TFP where it belongs.The fact remains that those at the TFP outed several of the people involved in the call in and in doing so have put people and the program in danger.
I stopped subscribing to the TFP years ago because of issues like these and I know many others who have done the same.

The TFP needs to fire those involved and apologize to the people of Chattanooga.

Mike Cox

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I certainly hope you are not the spokesperson for the people who live in  neighborhoods with enough gang activity to blow up Lookout Mountain.  You need to drop your burning debris of hatred.   I can see how out of hand your hatred has gotten.
The Chattanooga Times Free Press does not care about our police officers.  In fact, the TFP enjoys getting involved in unscrupulous ways to sabotage any plans that may work to better our communities.    They are always sniffing out a trail at the expense of the men and women who are working to create order for those living in crime-infested areas.  
If you put real people and real police officers in dangerous situations and break trust, then your journalists  need to be hauled off in handcuffs.  That is not good journalism.  It is a disgrace.   Did I say I would never buy another newspaper. Well, I am saying it again.
Tammy Greene

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