Segregate The Snowflakes - And Response (6)

  • Monday, June 5, 2017

No, Roy, my friend.  It is time for segregation again so all the snowflakes will be in one place for whatever it takes from whatever adult to get them under control and teach them the value and price of freedom and equality and the penalty for choosing the status quo and ignorance. 

Only then will the children who have been disciplined in the home, taught how to behave among others at all ages and stations in life, want to learn, can learn, have pride in their ability to learn, and know better than to interfere with the rules of life from wherever and whomever it may come.  If they happen to be college age and violate the rules, it will teach them that they no longer have a home where a roof, a bed, and food are free.  

My rule for the unruly beginner in my home was that the imprint of the bolo paddle on the behind was the certificate of approval in any institution of higher public education around the ripe old age of six.  (It also may work on a college professor who finds it fun, cute, or a teaching experience before the camera and all the public observers within the paneled watts of the asylum.) 

Whew!  Do you think I will be arrested before sundown? 

Charlotte Parton

* * * 

I would love for Ms. Parton to understand that all of us "snowflakes" are not out of control. Me and mine, for instance, are totally in control. I am a 40- year-old, proud Gen X-er, and relatively well-educated husband, friend, and supporter of equality and freedom. Make no mistake that while some are not understanding of sacrifices, freedoms, and the value of all of it, most of us are. We are the generations waging your wars and we are the ones suffering from it. 

I am proud of our country, even though, thanks to her and her lot, we are in dire straights in relation to the rest of the world. We are the laughing stock as punchlines due to what they unleashed with Trump.  

Know that you have awakened us in a way we have never experienced before. In a way you have not been experienced before. We will be the ones to repair the damage being done. We will be the ones to rise and restore. 

You may see snowflakes,  but know that enough snowflakes can turn into an avalanche. We are ready. We are strong. We are united, and we're organizing. You might want to grab a coat. Winter is coming soon.  

Richard Smith 

* * *

Dear Ms Parton, 

Don't worry about being arrested for remembering the foundations of discipline, social order, and life in general that have faded away. Society at large seems to be based on this excerpt from that black book that a few may be familiar with: "...and every man did that which was right in his own eyes."

I am thankful each day that as soon as I could hold a tool or paintbrush, my parents and grandmother had work for me to do. Family came before friends and entertainment. In case anyone is wondering, I did walk to school barefoot, uphill both ways. My father had a belt hanging beside the refrigerator. I was educated by it twice. No bruises or other marks were left.
Love and discipline are equal in my book. Lack of discipline promotes rebellion and fear. Without discipline, I believe that children and adults are left to believe that whatever they choose to do is acceptable.

This is just part of my world view and your mileage may vary.

The idea that borders, boundaries, limits, walls, fences, gates, locks, laws, and the enforcement of law is wrong is a twisted concept. Love, discipline, creativity, and freedom can co-exist, but only within a framework that accounts for the weakness of human nature. 

Teddy Ladd

* * *

As usual Ms. Parton hit the nail on the head. Concerning the 40-year-old "snowflake" who replied   Sir...if I may, your generation is the one that elected the snowflake king. It's the quiet majority who have finally heeded the call to come out and stand up for the America we grew up with, the America our forefathers fought to keep free, the America we want our grandchildren to know and love.

President Trump has already done more in three months than the snowflake did in eight years.  You think we're the laughing stock of the world?  Sir, you need to educate yourself on reading world news not generated by the main street media.  Let me warn you, however, you will most likely not like what you hear because it does not go along with what CNN, NBC, MSNBC are telling you. 

Sue White 

* * * 

Okay, 40-something year old snowflakes. Ask yourselves real questions and not what Starbucks coffee table discussions ask.

1. Trump supporters believe in helping the poor despite what the left says. We actually call for accountability in giving assistance so the next time your discussion regarding this subject comes up ask everyone what are the rules for helping people out or do we just give the store away without inquiry.

2. War - Do we ignore the rest of the world suggesting that war is not the answer and believe that we will be safe. History suggests otherwise, ask Germany, Japan or more recently Viet Nam where millions of Vietnamese were murdered when we left because we fought a political war with no clear declaration for victory. Our soldiers won the war our politicians lost the war. President Trump understands this and has started that he would not send our volunteer soldiers to battle without that Declaration of Victory, something the Democratic party does not accept.

3. Globalism - If you believe that America should answer to a global community leader then give it a try in your circle of friends, as a matter of fact, put your ideas to the test like a reality show. Invite that homeless person to live in your home at no cost. Disclaimer - don't do it, it might not be healthy. I suspect that calamity would soon occur.

4. Lastly, career politicians nationally and globally have made less than polite remarks about our president - again, career politicians.  Let that sink in. Career politicians whose net worth, as in Clinton's case, when he became president, was a whopping $600,000, yet today is around $600 million.  Mr. Obama's net worth was around $2 million upon entering office.  Care to guess what he is worth today?  Moral of the story here is career politicians got us in this mess and a business man has been hired by the American people to clean up the mess or drain the swamp. 

Ron Ray
Lookout Valley 

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Statements like the one Sue White made  - "President Trump has already done more in three months than the snowflake did in eight years" scare me to death because this statement is simply not true.  President Trump's only accomplishment was to get Justice Gorsuch confirmed.  Other than that, he has had no major accomplishments.  

Many Americans are losing touch with the truth, they believe what they want to believe, and they seek out media and websites that confirm what they already want to believe.  This creates a dangerous feedback loop that simply does not correlate with reality.  Whether you are a supporter of Mr. Trump or Mr. Obama, both, or neither does not matter with regards to Ms. White's statement:  Her statement is not true.  It is objectively false. 

We cannot have a civilized society if we cannot agree on what objective truth is.  Civilizations such as ours cannot prosper and flourish if we can't come to a consensus about what is true and what is false.  We will never progress as a nation and as a human race if we continue to further and further divorce ourselves from objective truth and reality.  I get that Ms. White and others did not like Mr. Obama, and that's fine.  But statements such as the one above illuminate a growing problem.  Truth should never be violated because it is of the utmost importance in life.  Occasional inconveniences should be willingly suffered that we may preserve it. 

R.J. Mitchell

* * *

If being spanked, struck, or whipped with a switch turns you into the sort of person who can't recognize a person like Trump for the fumbling, greedy, embarrassing menace he is, you can't really claim not have to have been damaged by the experience. You might not have any physical bruises or scars, but your intellect and moral compass have been damaged beyond repair.

Oh, and go on calling people snowflakes. It makes it easier to tell who is worth having a discussion with and who is a hopeless toddler to be ignored.

Ray Ingraham

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