Police Blotter: Woman's Car Mysteriously Winds Up Parked Crooked; Inebriated Man Tries To Push His Way Into Woman's House 2 Doors Down From His

  • Thursday, June 18, 2020

There was a report of a suspicious activity at a residence on Greendale Way. A woman said when she came out in the morning her vehicle was parked crooked in the parking space. She said she did not park her vehicle like that and it was still locked. The officer did observe the vehicle parked at an almost 45 degree angle in the parking space. There were no signs of forced entry into the vehicle or the ignition.

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Police were dispatched to a suspicious party in the parking lot at 541 Signal Mountain Road. The caller stated that there was a woman sleeping in the flower bed in the parking lot. Upon arrival police made contact with a woman who said she was making her way home and stopped here to rest. Police made contact with a store clerk at "Pet Sense" who said the woman comes in to use the bathroom regularly but does not purchase anything. The clerk stated that the restroom is for staff only, so police informed the woman that she cannot enter the store to use the restroom unless she is a customer.

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In another case, police made contact with a white female, who had wrapped herself in plastic from the trash. Police told her that she needs to stop going through the trash and leave the area. She left the area without incident. 

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Officers responded to a Damaged Property Accidental at 400 Chestnut St. A man said he was coming off of 27 Southbound and drove under an overpass where construction was being completed. He said as he was driving under the overpass his front windshield had been smashed out by two small round pieces of concrete. He then moved out of traffic in the Golds Gym parking lot and waited for police. The man said he wanted a report for insurance purposes. Police said they would attempt to make contact with construction personnel. Police spoke with a flagger standing on the 1-C exit who said that no car had come through as he had been standing there flagging traffic since noon. He said a gold Toyota Camry had not been past him the entire time.

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Police responded to a house on Trewhitt Street when a woman said someone was trying to break into her house. Upon arrival, police detained the man, who appeared to be heavily intoxicated and stated that he was trying to get home. Police confirmed that he lived two houses down the street from the complainant. Police determined that the man was too intoxicated and did not realize that he was trying to get into the wrong house. The woman said she did not want to press charges. Police walked the inebriated man home and ensured that he made it into his house. 

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An officer responded to a Counterfeiting/Forgery at 5934 Hwy. 58. Upon arrival, police made contact with the business employee, who said a white female came inside the store and tried to buy some merchandise. When the female gave the clerk a $100 bill, she said she noticed that the bill was fake since it even said "Play Money" on it. The woman tried to tell the clerk that the bill was real. She then asked for the bill back, but the clerk said she would have to give it to the police. The woman then left the business. 

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A man said an officer had called him and told him he had a warrant for his arrest. The unknown caller told him to go to Walmart on Signal Mountain Road and get two gift cards for $900. The man  went to the Walmart and purchased the cards. He called police prior to giving the card numbers over the phone. An officer explained to him that he was being scammed and that he needed to block the number that is calling him. The officer assured him that the police department would not call him about a warrant and ask for two gift cards. 

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There was a False Pretenses/Swindle/Confidence Game incident on Columbine Trail. A woman said she received text messages from a church friend about receiving a large sum of cash from the United Nations relief fund. She was unaware that her friend's phone had been hacked. After finding out how to obtain the money, she sent in $600. She realized that it was a scam after she had spoken on the phone with her friend. 

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A woman on Wilcox Boulevard said she got invoked in a scam on Facebook. She said she was dealing with an unidentified person using the Facebook page of Jessie Parker. She said that she sent the person $150 via gift card expecting to receive $3,200 in return. She later made contact with the real Jessie Parker who told her that she had been scammed. The woman said she had given the person her Facebook sign on, her ID with picture and other information. Police recommended that she put a freeze on her credit record and read the information on IDENTITYTHEFT.GOV.

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Police responded on a 911 call on Norcross Road. Upon arrival police spoke to a woman who asked an officer to speak with her five-year-old daughter who wants to play outside. The officer said the woman "called 911 so officers could tell her daughter she could not go outside by herself." The officer "stressed to her that 911 should not be used in a situation such as this."

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