We Are Better Than This - And Response (2)

  • Friday, February 25, 2022

I am so concerned about the things going on in the world now that as an American even on this small platform, I feel I have to be heard. The Ukranian crisis that is happening now affects the whole world, different countries and different ideals. But, the main fact is a large country is now invading a smaller, independent country that has a democracy instead of "Do what I say or die" or else I will force you to. 

One of the things I have noticed in the early stages of this invasion is how many free countries are on the side of right and willing to go to any means with sanctions or whatever is available to punish Russia, a world united. But, as I listen to the world's governing powers on the media, I am embarrassed by our two Tennessee senators, Haggerty and Blackburn. I am doing my best to not use expletive words in describing this. But, Russia and Putin are responsible for this horrible travesty of killing and wounding and destroying a free peaceful country. Our senators as mentioned are really against it, but blame Joe Biden for all this. Look it up, they can say, oh, this is horrible but it is Biden's fault, you evil disgusting, horrible, useless people.

The world need to unite and confront this as Putin's need to make himself a god in the history books. Never before has congress regretted intrusions like this and then blamed our leaders for this. Pearl Harbor happened and nobody in congress, either side, said this was Franklin Roosevelt's fault, and nobody blamed John F. Kennedy for Vietnam, they all backed him. I don't like saying this but the truth is our senators would rather have a president like Donald Trump who claims Putin is a genius and if he had been president this wouldn't have happened because he knows him very, very well. Maybe too well if he thinks Putin has something on him.

I know I am going to be chastised by what I am saying, but the truth is our country is not two separate entities, we are a democratic free country where everyone has a say. When a monster invades a smaller free country who is no threat to anyone but his ego then our senators need to shut their biased mouth and blame him, not the president of the country we love. You disagree with me then shame on you. Don't dare preach politics to me. If you want a Republican president next time then pick one who is intelligent, who loves our country and not the money, someone younger than the last two, and not someone who thinks he is a god and needs your worship.

Biblically speaking the antichrist will win so many people over because of his so called brilliance before he turns on them.

Clifton Duggan

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One thing many were in agreement regarding Donald Trump was his “mean tweets.” What those tweets exposed, however, was the totalitarian grip big tech has on free speech. Free speech was that thing before progressivism infected our culture canceling anything the woke crowd considered inappropriate or hateful.

Using Twitter, Trump bypassed the news services’ control over his direct contact with the people. Before Twitter the news media controlled what was reported and they used that control to demonize their enemies. So they couldn’t allow Trump that much freedom and he was shut down. Since then many Republicans and very few Democrats, if any, have been suspended or banned.

Presidents are judged on many things but history often clarified their actions in the perspective of standing the test of time. Foreign and domestic policy along with trade policies which link the two are the best tests of a president’s ability to lead the nation to prosperity and security, not the content of his “tweets.”

Trump did make the mistake of calling his policies “America First.” The media jumped on that and now blame the many failures of the Biden administration on Trump’s America First policies. So let’s put the policies of Trump in the context of the test of time.

With Trump, what was the price of gasoline? What was the rate of inflation? Were American troops rushed to Eastern Europe as it stood at the brink of war? Was China eating us alive in trade and threatening Taiwan? Before COVID, were shelves empty and workers hard to find? Was violent crime at an all time high? Was global warming and the wonderful wonders of wokeness the primary focus of all American domestic and foreign policy?

True to form, Democrats won’t stop blaming Trump for all the bad stuff as they did Bush, Reagan, Nixon and Hoover. As for me, I’ll take the mean tweets over the mess Biden has brought us in just a little over a year. How about you?

Ralph Miller

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Clifton and I probably have a lot we would disagree about but his comments on our senators are spot on.

I'm not a Biden fan either, but our senators need to give it a rest and help not hinder. America first, not politics, palease.

Sam Lewallen Jr 

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Ralph Miller has it all wrong. In his letter, Mr. Miller states:  

"With Trump, what was the price of gasoline? What was the rate of inflation? Were American troops rushed to Eastern Europe as it stood at the brink of war? Was China eating us alive in trade and threatening Taiwan? Before COVID, were shelves empty and workers hard to find? Was violent crime at an all time high? Was global warming and the wonderful wonders of wokeness the primary focus of all American domestic and foreign policy?"

Mr. Miller is intent on blaming today's troubles on Joe Biden, implying they would be non-existent under Trump.  

Miller is apparently ignorant of the law of supply and demand.  A President has no authority to arbitrarily raise prices.  He ignores that trade deficits have existed for years as has China's lust for Taiwan.  He ignores that rampant COVID and bare shelves existed in 2020 well before Biden's election. He ignores our legal commitment to NATO countries in Eastern Europe.  He ignores that violent crime and global warning have existed for years. He closes by alleging that "wokeness" was the primary focus of all American domestic and foreign policy, also ignorance.

How many of your readers will unequivocally believe Mr. Miller's "facts" to be just that. 

Joe Warren

Ringgold, Ga.

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