Hinton & Company announces the Ascension Leadership Conference 2024, a one-day experience, set to take place in Chattanooga on April 3. This event, inspired by recommendations in the Community Culture Index released by Hinton & Company and the Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, aims to foster leadership skills among mid-career professionals and emerging leaders.
The Ascension Leadership Conference 2024 will offer a platform for attendees to engage in workshops, network with industry leaders, and explore strategies for leadership development. The conference aims to address critical areas of leadership development, such as strategic thinking, effective management, and personal growth. It is an opportunity for professionals to gain insights and tools to advance their careers. The conference will provide an intimate setting with limited seats.
“We're leveraging the CCI's momentum to launch the Ascension Leadership Conference, a pivotal platform for talent growth in our community,” said Wade Hinton, CEO of Hinton & Company. “Our early ticket sales, growing list of sponsors, and strong interest from individuals and organizations across the region has been exciting to see. We expect the conference to sell-out pretty quickly.”
The cost to attend the Ascension Leadership Conference 2024 is $350 for early-bird registration and $450 after January 15, 2024. The rate for non-profit and government employees will remain at $350. Included in the registration fee is admittance to the conference, access to the conference app with workshop materials, breakfast, networking luncheon, and break stations. The Ascension Leadership Conference 2024 is not just an event but a catalyst for change and growth. Early bird registration is now open and available through the conference website at www.hintonandco.com/ascension-the-conference.