CHI Memorial Named One Of The Nation’s 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals By Fortune And PINC AI

  • Friday, February 23, 2024
Kevin Hopkins
Kevin Hopkins
CHI Memorial has been named as one of the nation’s 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals according to an independent quality analysis based on a balanced scorecard provided by PINC AI, the technology and services brand of Premier, Inc., and reported by Fortune.

“We couldn't be more excited to receive this honor for the sixth time. We are extremely proud of our team of cardiologists, surgeons, nurses, technicians, and therapists who provide such exceptional care to our community,” said Kevin Hopkins, market vice president of cardiovascular service line at CHI Memorial.
“Each year, PINC AI selects the Top 50 Cardiovascular Hospitals based on publicly reported data. They identify hospitals with lower mortality rates, fewer complications, and shorter hospital stays for cardiovascular patients (among other metrics). We are proud to be counted among these few, exceptional programs. We are committed to continue bringing advancements in both technology and evidenced-based care to Chattanooga and our surrounding communities.”

Officials said, "To create the list, an objective, quantitative analysis of publicly available data was conducted to identify the top cardiovascular hospitals in the United States. The primary purpose of the PINC AI 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals program is to inspire hospital and health system leaders to pursue higher performance and deliver added value to patients and communities. Organizations do not apply to participate in the study.

"Compared to peer hospitals, those in the 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals operated at lower cost and had better outcomes, recording significantly higher inpatient survival rates, fewer patients with complications, lower readmission rates and up to nearly $10,000 less in total costs per patient case.

"These outcomes add up to meaningful differences. According to the study’s analysis, if all hospitals operated at the level of this year’s top performers, there could be 7,600 fewer deaths due to heart disease, 6,700 fewer bypass and angioplasty patients who suffer complications and more than $1 billion in inpatient costs could have been saved for the 2024 study year."

“Hospital and health system leaders are focused on raising the quality and value of cardiovascular care,” said Leigh Anderson, Premier’s chief operating officer and the leader of PINC AI. “A selection as one of the 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals is a great honor and demonstrates the importance of hospitals tackling cardiovascular disease – one of America’s leading causes of death. As one of the 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals, CHI Memorial has achieved high-quality cardiovascular care that has directly led to significantly improved patient outcomes, with fewer readmissions and complications.”
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