Dr. Lynn Cummings, portrayed by Iris Luce, and Jason Harper, portrayed by Daniel Puckett, are shown here meeting for the first time during LeeU Theatre’s upcoming production of “A Rock Sails By"
Lee University Theatre will present “A Rock Sails By,” written by Sean Grennan, on Sept. 27-28 and Oct. 3-5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Buzz Oates Blackbox Theatre.
The play, directed by senior theatre major Ellie Hicks, follows an astrophysicist named Dr. Lynn Cummings who, when an unidentified flying object is detected coming toward Earth, grants an interview with a journalist who misquotes her. To protect her credibility, she invites him to witness the object as it comes by Earth with her, hoping that it will pass without incident.
“We are thrilled to be able to share this lovely play with our students, faculty, staff, and the greater Cleveland community,” said Anna Marie Brendel, associate professor of theatre at Lee. “This play will charm all ages and will be a terrific season opener for Lee Theatre!”
The production’s cast will feature Lee students Katya Baker, Josiah Creel, Emma Flannagan, Iris Luce, and Daniel Puckett. The production crew includes Laura Harris Hicks, a Lee alum, as set designer; Ada Ruth Larsen, a digital media major with an emphasis in studio production, as stage manager; and Ethan Klemenz, a musical theatre major, as assistant stage manager.
“It’s such a unique thing to express your vision to actors and watch them bring that to life,” said Ms. Hicks. “When your actors read your mind, know what your directorial vision is, and act it out so perfectly, there’s nothing else like that.”
Tickets are available online at Eventbrite.com or at Lee Theatre’s box office, located in the Communication Arts Building. The box office is open 4-6 p.m. during the week of the show and one hour prior to each performance.
The box office and Buzz Oates Blackbox Theatre are located in Lee University’s Communication Arts Building.
For more information on Lee Theatre, visit leeuniversity.edu/theatre, call the box office at 614-8360, or follow LeeUTheatre on Facebook.