Mocassin Bend Chapter, NSDAR Raises $400 For Fisher House

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Members of the Chattanooga area Moccasin Bend Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution met at the Red Bank Church of Christ for its fundraising meeting to benefit the Fisher House Foundation, a nonprofit organization that builds comfort homes for military and veteran families to stay in free of charge while a loved one is in the hospital.  

These homes are located at military and Veterans Affairs medical centers around the world.  

After the chapter meeting and luncheon, the New to You Auction was held.  The Moccasin Bend Chapter raised $400 for the Fisher House.  

Following the auction, chapter members received a goody bag from Regent Carolyn Caulkins thanking them for all their hard work for veterans, naturalization ceremonies and contributions to education. 
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