Cleveland Businessman Allan Jones Pulls NFL Ads After National Anthem Snub

  • Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Cleveland businessman Allan Jones has instructed his advertising firm to halt commercials during NFL games after the Tennessee Titans and other teams snubbed the National Anthem.

He instructed an official of the Tombras group, "Effective immediately, please remove all commercials for Check into Cash, Buy Here Pay Here USA, or U.S. Money Shops from airing during NFL games this entire season.

"Our companies will not condone in any form the unpatriotic behavior demonstrated by the NFL."

"For the 29 states we operate in, this isn't much for them, but it's a lot for us. The Tombras group is our ad agency in Knoxville and our national media buyer for both TV and Radio. . . and don't look for Hardwick on the NFL either.

“When I see Colin Kaepernick lecturing the “oppressed” wearing a Fidel Castro T-shirt you realize the hypocrisy to this stupidity. I love America. They have the right to protest and I have the right to turn off the channel and place our ads elsewhere. The next time someone ask the public to finance a stadium this will have a very long term effect. These guys should really be the lead plaintiffs in the head injury cases-that's the only jury that will find sympathy!

“If you will research why Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner you will realize why I am upset about these NFL players protesting. They don’t even know what it is they are protesting.

“The flag was still standing. 200 English ships tried to take it down. They kept it up all night and it could only be seen when the bombs were bursting in the air. So many patriots gave their lives to keep the flag up - and now to have people protesting who don’t have a clue about any of this bothers me.

“Please research Key’s motivation for writing his famous song and you will see why I’m upset that the protesters don’t have a clue.

"Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!


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