Boyd Says Commission Should Withhold Funds For DA Pinkston's Wife

  • Wednesday, September 15, 2021

County Commissioner Tim Boyd said the county should withhold county funds being used to pay Melydia Clewell, the wife of District Attorney Neal Pinkston. Ms. Clewell works in the DA's office.

He said DA Pinkston told commissioners during budget hearings in May that county funds would not be used to pay any of his relatives. Ms. Clewell's brother also works in the DA office. Some DA employees are paid by the state and others by the county.

Commissioner Boyd said DA Pinkston recently had Ms. Clewell put on the county payroll rather than the state.

Commissioner Boyd said the commission three times had asked DA Pinkston to appear before the panel to answer questions about the pay for relatives. He said the DA declined all three times.

County Attorney Rheubin Taylor said the commission does not have subpoena power.

However, he said the commission has continuing control over the expenditure of county funds.


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