Assistant Medical Examiner Says Account By Adrian Nixon Of Shooting Death Of Jeremy Clark Was Unlikely

  • Thursday, March 31, 2022
Adrian Nixon
Adrian Nixon

Dr. Steven Cogswell of the Medical Examiner's Office testified Thursday that it was more likely that Jeremy "Blue" Clark was shot by the driver of a white Dodge Challenger than someone firing through the car while standing outside the passenger door.

Dr. Cogswell also said that the victim was shot five times, including a shot that went through his heart, lungs, stomach and liver and a final shot that went by his left ear into his head.  

Adrian Nixon, who is standing trial for first-degree murder, has admitted he was at the shooting scene at J.J.'s Lounge on July 29, 2016. However, he says someone came up suddenly and began firing through the car.

Detective Taylor Walker, in interviewing Nixon soon after the shooting, told him his account "doesn't make any sense." He said a shooter would have been much more likely to shoot over the car rather than firing through it and having to avoid hitting the driver.

The detective also said if the shooting had gone down as Nixon averred the shell casings would have been ejected in the car. Several were found in the parking lot near where the Challenger was sitting.   

He also said the Dodge Challenger sped away immediately after the shooting.

The state has not shown any conflict between Nixon and Clark, who were both at the club on Glass Street that early morning. The jury saw video of both of them coming in and out the club several times. Detective Walker said they passed on one occasion and had acknowledgement of one another.

Nixon told the detective that he shook hands with Clark inside the club. Defense attorney Bill Speek noted that there was a camera in the bar, but only 14 seconds of it were available for trial, so that could not be affirmed or rebuffed.

Nixon said he went to school with Clark and knew his family. He said, "I know Blue. I didn't have any problem with Blue." He added, "I didn't have any reason to shoot him. It doesn't make any sense."

He said if he was out to kill Clark "why would I pull up in front of the club where they all know me? That's stupid."

He said it was a case of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Nixon said he had gone into the club and gotten some okra. He said he later got a ride to pick up his girlfriend's white Dodge Challenger. He said he returned to the club "to get a plate."

He said as he was driving toward an alley on the side of the bar he spotted his cousin, Patrick Brown, and stopped to talk with him. He said Brown was still beside the car when "Blue" walked up. He said Blue put his arm around Brown, then the shots started. He said one bullet grazed Brown on the arm.

Nixon said he did not get a look at the shooter. He said his ears were ringing from the gunshots.

Detective Walker said the only information he had about Nixon prior to asking him to come in for an interview was that he was known to drive a white Dodge Challenger.





Adrian Nixon being interviewed at police headquarters
Adrian Nixon being interviewed at police headquarters
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