Mark Harrison
Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Mark Harrison on Wednesday condemned "unacceptable campaigning" during the current election, but did not cite the name of a campaign or give specifics.
He said, "In this election cycle, a type of campaigning has been brought to bear that is not acceptable here in Hamilton County. As Republicans we welcome challenge and debate of ideas and ideals, focused on policy, not name calling. As the late President Reagan directed in the eleventh commandment, thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican.
"As chairman, I call on all campaigns to clean up their act. We will not stand for attacking leaders in our party with mistruths and fearmongering. This is no way to govern, and this is not how this GOP leads.”
Michele Reneau, who is running in the Republican primary against Rep. Patsy Hazlewood, said, "I am unaware of any attacks on Rep. Hazlewood's character from my campaign. An election is about how a representative represents you, and I have stayed on that topic.
"GOP Chairman Mark Harrison has not contacted me directly about anything so I can only assume that must be directed at another campaign."
Mr. Harrison also said, “Our Republican Party has led to the best Tennessee has ever been. This GOP, from the county to the state level, has led to one of the strongest financial positions the state of Tennessee has ever seen, showing exactly why good conservative government brings out the best in Tennessee, the best in Tennesseans."
Brendan Jennings, president of the Chattanooga Tea Party, said, "In a constitutional republic, this elitist, 'we know best' attitude is unacceptable. I also take issue with the claim about name calling. While I agree legitimate debate should avoid ad hominem attacks, the rough and tumble of vigorous debate helps to clear the weeds that have grown around politicians and party members happy to stand pat on past victories and not adjust to changing times which demand different skills, different perspectives - and different, younger people.
"Mr. Harrison appears to support perpetual incumbency, a hubris which invites inevitable defeat."